445 Emerson Road Broken Bow, OK 74728
LOCAL: (405) 492-6006

About Us

About Johnna's Petals & More

Florist | Custom Silk

I have been working out of my kitchen for a little over 25 years making grapevine wreaths, silk funeral sprays, homecoming mums, weddings, prom corsages and boutonnieres, you name it.

 My dream came true on October 2023 when my dad purchased a 12x24 building we have here at the house which became known as Johnna's Petals & More. At the age of 51 my lifelong dream of owning my own flower shop had come true. No more living out of totes or boxes and having to pack everything up nightly. #AnsweredPrayers

 Back story, my mom was diagnosed with Stage II (non alcohol) liver failure where she later passed 7/24/2023. For many, many years she begged me to take the leap of faith and open my own flower shop. Like many the 2 words fear and failure always lurked around me causing me to continue to work out of my kitchen. It wasn't until her death that I realized what she had been trying to tell me all these years. Life is short. When you find your passion and what makes your heart happy than stop at nothing until you make it happen. And that's just what I did.

25 years later I am no longer afraid of fear and failure. I am finally living my dream and following my heart and doing what I am so passionate about. I wished I had done this so much sooner before my mom passed away so she could see it but, I know she is my guardian angel who watches over my every move in the shop.

 She continues to inspire me daily. Even though she never stepped foot in my shop, it's where I feel closest to her. As my mom always said, I march to the beat of my own drum. I set my designs apart from others in many ways.

 I am very passionate about all of my designs I produce by my funeral work I have to say is my most passionate area. As I have lost many loved ones before me, for me it's like the last thing you can give to a hurting, grieving family. I always make each as personal as I can to honor the remembrance of their loved one.

 My homecoming designs are just that. My designs. Same with prom and with all my designs. I have never had the desire to follow what everyone else is doing. I love to step outside the box and be unique and different. Just as God made us all unique in our own ways. 

I like to get to know my clients and my goal is to always make their order as personal as possible. We strive to make each one of our clients feel special and how important their orders are to us and what they mean to us. Without them, Johnna's Petals & More would not exist. 

I have worked so VERY hard to get where I am at today. 25 years is a long time to be patient, wait, pray, cry, scream and jump for joy all at the same time. I work a FT job M-F 7am-4pm also here at home with a company I have been at for 15 years now. I work in my shop on my lunch hour, after work until late at night and on the weekends. It's been tough, some days are harder than others to keep up but I NEVER gave up. I NEVER quit. I NEVER doubted God answering my prayers and here we are. All these years later here we are making it happen. #BUTGOD

 Our business is the BEST because we put our heart and soul into every order we design. Right now I am the only designer. My husband delivers on his lunch hour and after work and my son when he is home from college helps with deliveries and errands. It takes a village and my village is simply the best! We love what we do! My team is myself who is everything, seriously I do it all. Purchase, stock, order, billing, advertise and market daily, run all our advertising pages. I do all our designs. I need to be cloned. :)

My husband works a FT job and helps deliver on his lunch hour and after hours. He is my right arm, I couldn't do any of this without him. Our son when he is home from college helps out with deliveries and errands. 

Even though we are a brand new shop we are still learning and growing. We are figuring things out as we go along this journey. Although we are only an all 'SILK' flower shop at this time we hope to offer fresh flowers and artificial plants in the near future. We also take custom orders and yes we do ship! Don't forget we do so much more than silk such as homecoming mums, corsages, weddings, grapevine wreaths and so much more. We would love to earn your business!